iBidOnStorage.co.uk - Kellys Self Storage Auction - 17388557157537
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Auction # IB-7537 Kellys Storage Guildford - Guildford, Westfield Road, Slyfield Industrial Estate, Surrey, GU1 1SB

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Boxes containing framed prints, books, CD's and cassettes (the boxes opened feature jazz/big band music). Piece of wooden furniture, two lamp stands and shades, unframed prints, one box contains glassware. Camera case with camera lenses, no camera. Please note we have not opened all the boxes so are unable to advise what is contained inside.

Unit Size

35 square foot

Cleaning Deposit

Facility accepts Credit/Debit Card Only


(The deposit will be repaid when the unit is emptied in its entirety)


IMPORTANT: All goods are considered "branded as". Brands or artist names (eg. Nike, Wii, Rolex, The Beatles etc) are used for descriptive purposes. Unless otherwise stated, no items have been authenticated by the Storage Facility or its employees. No warranty is provided over the working order of the goods being sold. All goods should be considered as used and untested.

Terms and Conditions

VERY IMPORTANT - READ Before you bid

Soft close:

Our online storage auctions have a soft close. All bids within the last minute will extend the closing time by 2 minutes. This way the Buyer willing to bid the most will win the auction. The auction is officially closed when the "SOLD" notice appears on the auction page, otherwise the auction has gone into a soft close. Missing units have been removed by the Seller when the storage customer pays their outstanding debt prior to the close.

Price Paid:

Unless otherwise stated, all amounts are in British Pounds (GBP) and inclusive of VAT. This VAT however, only relates to the goods sold by the storage operator and not the services provided by iBidOnStorage Ltd. The Buyers Premium of 17.5%, is added to the sale price on closing of the auction. It is calculated as a percentage of the Sale Price and payable by you at the time of purchase. Please ensure you have sufficient funds to cover the price you bid plus the Buyers Premium.

Payment and Terms of Claiming